Patterns and Templates

While the previous page covered every command in the game, many of them are frequently used in conjunction with each other. To make keeping track of them easier, we've created multiple Script Templates to make the process of creating scripts easier. To apply a template, simply click the "Apply Template" button in the toolbar or go to "Edit" → "Apply Template" in the menu. This will bring up the following dialog.

Script Templates

From here, you can select a template, view information about it, and apply it to the current script.

If you have an idea for your own template, you can simply create it in a blank script and then use the "Generate Template" option from the "Edit" menu to generate the template. This will automatically make the template available for your own use; however, if you think it would be useful for the community, feel free to create a pull request in the Serial Loops repo adding your template as a default that we ship with the app!