Chokuretsu ROM Hacking Challenges Part 2 – Archive Archaeology

By Jonko on 2 Nov 2022

Last time, we talked about how I reverse-engineered the compression algorithm used in Suzumiya Haruhi no Chokuretsu. Today, we’ll be taking a look at the archives that contain the Chokuretsu files. Please note that while I’ll generally try to keep these blog posts separate, this one absolutely builds on concepts we discussed last time, so I highly recommend you read it first! Also, if you're returning from the last one, fair warning that this one's a bit longer and contains a lot more assembly!

Thanks to the proliferation of zip files, you’re likely already familiar with archives: they’re files that contain files, usually compressed versions to help save space on disk. Common archives include .zip, .rar, .7z, and .tar.gz files. Chokuretsu uses a custom archive format with the extension .bin. Since Shade is the developer of Chokuretsu, these files are referred to as “Shade bin archives” or just “bin archives.” Let’s get started by picking an archive to look at.

For convenience, let’s pick the archive that contains the file we were looking at last time. We can open the game up in CrystalTile2 and navigate to where we were looking last time…

The ROM opened in Crystal Tile 2 showing that the file we're looking for is evt.bin

And in the lower left corner it tells us that this data is contained in evt.bin (which is what we might have guessed, since it’s string data).

Examining evt.bin

Before we open it up in the hex editor, though, let’s talk a bit about what we’d expect to see in an archive (in order to confirm that evt.bin is in fact an archive). Here’s the attributes I’d put down:

  • The number of files in the archive
  • A list of files in the archive – this would be composed of filenames and offsets
  • The file data for all the files

A quick explanation on that second bullet – filenames are self explanatory, but an offset is a way of talking about the location of data in a file. Briefly:

  • An address is the absolute location of data in memory. When we set memory breakpoints in the debugger, we use addresses.
  • An offset is the relative location of data in a file. When we have a single file open in the hex editor, we talk about offsets.
  • A pointer is a value that points to an address or offset. A pointer to an address might look like an integer with the value 0x0220B4A8, while a pointer to an offset might be as simple as 0x3800. Addresses are used by the program when accessing memory, while offsets are used in files (since they can be loaded into arbitrary locations in memory), so it’s up to the program itself to convert those offsets into addresses.

So with that out of the way, let’s crack open evt.bin. First thing we’ll do is scroll down a bit just to get a feel for the layout of this file…

evt.bin open in Crystal Tile 2 showing a section of zeros above 0x2800

evt.bin open in Crystal Tile 2 showing a section of zeros below the file at 0x2800

Interesting! After we scroll past a large chunk of data, we end up in a field of zeros, followed by another large chunk of data and then another field of zeros and so on. What’s more, after we scroll past the first bit, each of the large chunks of data seems to start on a multiple of 0x800 (hard to get that sense from two images, but trust me, crack open the files and you’ll see the pattern). To me, this looks like the file data – and what’s more, each file is neatly spaced with padding in between.

evt.bin open in Crystal Tile 2 at 0x0000. The first two bytes are highlighted in red and a pattern of bytes starting at 0x22 and spaced every four bytes are highlighted in cyan

Let’s get back to the top of the file – again, a lot of numbers, but there are patterns here. But before we take a look at the numbers in cyan, a quick explanation on endianness. So far, we’ve mostly thought about things in terms of bytes, which can have values between 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF). But what about when we need to represent integers larger than that? When we need to do that, we use multibyte integers. The common types of these include:

Number of BytesFormal NameC# Name
216-bit integershort (signed) or ushort (unsigned)
432-bit integerint (signed) or uint (unsigned)
864-bit integerlong (signed) or ulong (unsigned)

There are two possible ways to store a 16-bit integer, however. For example, take 512 (0x200). You could choose to store that with the most-significant byte first (i.e. 02 00) or with the least-significant byte first (i.e. 00 02). This decision is called endianness, where the former is “big-endian” and the latter is “little-endian.” Frequently, the decision is made simply to align with whatever the architecture uses; ARM is a little-endian architecture so these files are likely little-endian as well.

Going back to the cyan highlights in the image above, we can see that if we interpret the highlighted values as little-endian 16-bit integers, we have a sequence like:

0x000A, 0x000C, 0x000E, 0x0010, 0x0014, 0x0016, 0x0018, 0x001A, 0x001C, 0x001E, 0x0020, 0x0022 …

These integers are increasing as we continue along! In fact, they continue to increase for another 0x900 bytes, with the pattern terminating at the final integer 0x94E:

evt.bin open to 0x900 showing that the cyan integer pattern stops at 0x950

These definitely aren’t file offsets (the differences between them are too small – for example, a file between offsets 0xB2E and 0xB32 would only be four bytes long), but it’s possible they might map to file offsets somehow since they’re steadily increasing. That would suggest that maybe there is one of these values per file – so just how many are there? The values are two bytes long and spaced two bytes apart for a total of four bytes per iteration. The sequence begins at 0x20 and ends at 0x950. Therefore:

(0x950 - 0x20) / 0x04 = 0x24C

Oh! Look at that! 0x24C happens to be the very first number to appear in the file (highlighted in red). So we can guess that the first number is the number of files in the archive. (To double check this, we should check that the pattern is consistent for the other archives as well – which it is.)

evt.bin open to 0x0000 with green highlights next to the cyan ones creating a series of 32-bit integers

What about the numbers next to the cyan highlights, though – the ones highlighted in green above? It’s hard to say right now as there’s no obvious pattern. However, we need some nomenclature here, so I’m going to be referring to the combination of the green and cyan highlights as magic integer, since they are obfuscated (magic) but do important stuff (also magic). The first magic integer spans from 0x20 to 0x23, which is why they’re “integers” – specifically, 32-bit integers.

Into the Thick of It, Reprise

The purpose of the previous section was to demonstrate how to a) identify that a file is an archive and b) use some basic pattern matching to begin reverse-engineering the archive. However, this archive is a little weird and obfuscated – while most archives might simply have a table at the top containing the filename and offset (location in the archive) for each file, this one clearly doesn’t have that. That information is somehow hidden. There are a variety of ways one could deal with this, but for me, the easiest option seemed to be diving back into the assembly again.

File Table Load

First, we should try to find the code where these archives are parsed. To do this, we’re going to do essentially the same process as we did last time – we’re going to do a memory search to find the archive header (the top of the file, before the files in the archive start) in memory, set a read breakpoint at that memory address, and see what code uses the archive header.

evt.bin open to 0x20 showing the bytes D1 00 0A 00 highlighted, indicating that these are the bytes we will search for

So, we go back to DeSmuME and search for the four bytes at offset 0x20 (remember, DeSmuME’s memory search expects you to enter the bytes in reverse order, so instead of D1 00 0A 00 we enter 00 0A 00 D1)...

DeSmuME's memory search window showing a single result for our search at 0x020F7720

And once again, we’ve found a single hit. So, let’s open up the memory viewer and head to 0x020F7720…

DeSmuME's memory viewer showing the memory at 0x020F7720 looking exactly like the header of evt.bin

And it matches the evt.bin header exactly! This means that the evt.bin header is loaded into 0x020F7700. So now, we’ll load up the game in no$GBA (I was a little hard on no$ last time around, but its debugging tools are very convenient) and set a read breakpoint for 0x020F7700.

no$GBA hitting a breakpoint at 0x020338C8

Nice, we hit our breakpoint as soon as the game is loaded. This means that the archive headers are loaded on boot. Let’s pull up this subroutine in IDA.

RAM:02033818                 PUSH    {R3-R9,LR}
RAM:0203381C                 LDR     R2, =dword_20A9AB0
RAM:02033820                 MOV     R6, R0
RAM:02033824                 LDR     R1, [R2]
RAM:02033828                 LDR     R0, =aFiletblLoadSta ; "--- filetbl_load start <%d> ---\n"
RAM:0203382C                 ADD     R1, R1, #0x3F ; '?'
RAM:02033830                 BIC     R3, R1, #0x3F
RAM:02033834                 MOV     R1, R6
RAM:02033838                 STR     R3, [R2]
RAM:0203383C                 BL      dbg_print20228DC

Here’s something useful! That "--- filetbl_load start <%d> ---\n" string you see is text that’s hardcoded in the executable program (arm9.bin) itself.

=aFiletblLoadSta is a name IDA gives to the address that holds that string, so LDR R0, =aFiletblLoadSta is loading the address of that string into R0. In ARM assembly, R0 is used as the first parameter when calling another subroutine, so the BL (branch-link or “call this subroutine”) below uses it as a parameter. Because the string looks a lot like a debug string, we can guess that that function is a debug print function (something that would print text to the console for debugging purposes), which is why we’ve renamed the function here to dbg_print20228DC.

But more importantly, the fact that this debug string is being printed here tells us what this function’s name was in the original source code: filetbl_load(). From this, we can surmise that this function is designed to load the “file table” from the archive – i.e., it loads the header we were just looking at and that header is the list of files we thought it was! This trick (looking at debug or error strings to figure out what a function does) is something I frequently make use of – without even examining the disassembly in detail, we now have a pretty good idea of what this function does.

Loading the Magic Integer

After trying to analyze this routine the way we did the decompression routine, it turns out that this routine is a little bit more abstract. It references a bunch of memory addresses and other things that I don’t have any context for – so let’s get some context and watch what it’s doing in the debugger. After all, our goal here isn’t to necessarily reverse-engineer exactly what this routine is doing (unlike with the decompression routine), it’s to use this routine to understand the structure of the archive file.

So back to no$GBA then. Stepping forward, we come to this STR instruction. STR R2,[R0, R5] should store the value of R2 (0x24C, what we’re suspecting is the number of files) in the memory location R0+R5.

no$GBA debugger with the described str instruction highlighted

The same screenshot of the no$GBA debugger as before but advanced one instruction, highlighting that the number of files have been stored in memory

After we step over that instruction, we can in fact see that 0x24C got stored in 0x20C1A08 as we would expect. So now, let’s set a read breakpoint for that address to see where it gets referenced.

no$GBA breakpoint creation dialog showing us setting a read breakpoint at 0x020C1A08

We run the game…

no$GBA debugger showing a breakpoint in a new function

And end up in this new subroutine. Navigating to this routine in IDA reveals that it’s very short.

RAM:02033A58 sub_2033A58
RAM:02033A58                 MOV     R1, #0x18
RAM:02033A5C                 MUL     R1, R0, R1
RAM:02033A60                 LDR     R0, =dword_20C19D8
RAM:02033A64                 LDR     R0, [R0,R1]
RAM:02033A68                 BX      LR

BX LR returns us to the subroutine that called this one, so given that we know the previous instruction is the one that loaded 0x24C into R0 (the register that is frequently used as a return value), we might be able to posit that the entire purpose of this subroutine is to load that value from memory. So, let’s rename this function to arc_getNumFiles and then step forward and see what called it.

no$GBA showing a breakpoint in the caller of the previous subroutine

Let’s pop open this section of this subroutine in IDA:

RAM:02033CCC loc_2033CCC
RAM:02033CCC                 MOV     R0, #1
RAM:02033CD0                 MOV     R1, R0
RAM:02033CD4                 BL      sub_2025B08
RAM:02033CD8                 CMP     R9, #0
RAM:02033CDC                 BLE     loc_2033CF0
RAM:02033CE0                 MOV     R0, R10
RAM:02033CE4                 BL      arc_getNumFiles
RAM:02033CE8                 CMP     R9, R0
RAM:02033CEC                 BLE     loc_02033D04
RAM:02033CF0 loc_2033CF0
RAM:02033CF0                 LDR     R1, =sArchiveFileNames
RAM:02033CF4                 LDR     R0, =aFileIndexError ; "file index error : [%s],idx=%d\n"
RAM:02033CF8                 LDR     R1, [R1,R10,LSL#2]
RAM:02033CFC                 MOV     R2, R9
RAM:02033D00                 BL      dbg_printError

So remember that coming out of arc_getNumFiles, R0 was set to (what we’re guessing is) the number of files. We can see that it gets compared to R9 immediately afterwards, and if it’s less than or equal to R9, we branch just past the end of the section I’ve shown. So let’s zero in on R9 – looking earlier up, we can see that R9 is also compared to 0, and if it’s less than or equal to zero we’re branching to loc_2033CF0. That’s the same location that we go to if R9 is greater than R0. If we examine that section, we can see another debug message – "file index error : [%s],idx=%d\n"! For those of you not familiar with C, this is a format string – the %s and %d indicate parameters to be inserted into the string. %s expects a string and %d expects a decimal number. We determined that the function that the BL is branching to is a “print debug error message” function by the fact that the string indicates an error is occurring, but this string gives us even more clues. So at a high level, this section is checking to see that R9 is greater than 0 and less than or equal to the number of files. If it’s not, then it throws an error.

When calling a function in a higher-level language, you specify parameters that get passed to the function. In ARM assembly, these parameters are passed by setting specific registers to specific values – the first parameter is set to R0, the second parameter is set to R1, etc. So, we know that this dbg_printError subroutine is going to print that format string. The string itself is loaded into R0, meaning that the first parameter is the string itself. The next parameter (corresponding to %s) should be loaded into R1, and the final parameter (corresponding to %d) should be loaded into R2.

I’ve already gone ahead and marked the value getting loaded into R1 as =sArchiveFileNames – if we pop over to that address in IDA, we can see why:

The RAM address of =sArchiveFileNames viewed in IDA showing a list of archive filenames

It’s a list of our four archive names! So that line that says LDR R1,[R1, R10, LSL#2] is going to load the name of the archive in. If we look at R10 in the earlier screenshot, we can see that it’s set to 2. Typically, arrays start from index 0, so that means that index 2 here is going to be aEvtBinEVT.BIN is the value of %s!

The next line is MOV R2,R9 which is moving the value of R9 (our previous register of interest) into R2. From the text of the error message, we can conclude that R9 stores the file index, i.e. the position of the file we’re loading in the archive! We also know that the value we thought was the number of files in the archive was indeed that. Furthermore, based on the conditions that lead to the error message, we can also conclude that file indices start at 1 and end at the length of the archive (rather than starting at 0 and ending at length - 1 as is more common in computing).

Parsing the Magic Integer

Let’s continue:

RAM:02033D04 loc_2033D04
RAM:02033D04                 ADD     R2, SP, #8
RAM:02033D08                 ADD     R3, SP, #4
RAM:02033D0C                 MOV     R0, R10
RAM:02033D10                 MOV     R1, R9
RAM:02033D14                 BL      sub_2033A70

We’re calling sub_2033A70 with the following parameters:

  1. R0: The archive number (2 = evt.bin)
  2. R1: The archive file index
  3. R2: An address
  4. R3: Another address

In other words:

sub_2033A70(2, 0x24C, address1, address2)

Let’s dive into sub_2033A70.

RAM:02033A70                 PUSH    {R4,LR}
RAM:02033A74                 MOV     R12, #0x18
RAM:02033A78                 MUL     R4, R0, R12
RAM:02033A7C                 LDR     R0, =dword_20C19D4
RAM:02033A80                 LDR     R12, =dword_20C19D0
RAM:02033A84                 LDR     LR, [R0,R4]
RAM:02033A88                 LDR     R0, [R12,R4]
RAM:02033A8C                 LDR     LR, [LR,R1,LSL#2]
RAM:02033A90                 LDR     R1, [R0,#0xC]
RAM:02033A94                 LDR     R0, [R0,#4]
RAM:02033A98                 MOV     R1, LR,LSR R1
RAM:02033A9C                 MUL     R0, R1, R0
RAM:02033AA0                 STR     R0, [R2]
RAM:02033AA4                 LDR     R0, [R12,R4]
RAM:02033AA8                 LDR     R1, [R0,#0x10]
RAM:02033AAC                 LDR     R0, [R0,#8]
RAM:02033AB0                 AND     R1, LR, R1
RAM:02033AB4                 MUL     R0, R1, R0
RAM:02033AB8                 STR     R0, [R3]
RAM:02033ABC                 POP     {R4,PC}

This subroutine isn’t too long, so we should be able to figure out what it’s doing; however, there are a lot of bits where it loads from some memory addresses and I don’t know what’s stored in those addresses. So let’s head back to the debugger.

no$GBA with highlights showing instructions for loading the magic integer into the register

After executing a few steps, we can see that the first part of this subroutine is just loading the address of the evt.bin header we’ve already found into R0. It’s also setting LR (which is called R14 in no$) to the address (highlighted in cyan) right before the first magic integer (highlighted in green). Interesting! The currently highlighted instruction is LDR LR, [LR,R1,LSL#2] – this is going to load the value at the address LR + R1 * 4 into LR. R1, remember, is the file index – therefore, this is loading the magic integer that corresponds to that file index! (Recall that the magic integer array starts at 1 rather than 0, so to make it zero-indexed we need to start from the address directly before the first magic integer.)

In C#, we can represent this as:

public void sub_2033A70(int archiveNumber, int index, uint address1, uint address2, byte[] archiveBytes)
    int numFiles = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Take(4).ToArray());
    uint magicInteger = BitConverter.ToUInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x1C + index * 4).Take(4).ToArray());

no$GBA showing the magic integer highlighted

The address we should be loading from is 0x020F771C + 0x245 * 4 = 0x20F8030, and indeed, when we step forward we see that value loaded in. Now that the magic integer is loaded in, let’s see what happens next.

no$GBA showing the next two components being loaded and their instructions

The next two instructions load the integers at offsets 0x0C (green) and 0x04 (pink) in evt.bin into R1 and R0, respectively. These instructions are then used in some calculations:

  • MOV R1, LR,LSR R1 – This instruction shifts the magic integer right by the value of R1 (0x11 or 17) and stores the result in R1. Since magic integers are 32-bit integers, this gives us the 15 most-significant bits of the magic integer.
  • MUL R0, R1, R0 – This instruction multiplies R1 by R0 (0x800) and stores the result in R0.

Continuing our C# translation, we have:

public void sub_2033A70(int archiveNumber, int index, uint address1, uint address2, byte[] archiveBytes)
    int numFiles = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Take(4).ToArray());
    uint magicInteger = BitConverter.ToUInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x1C + index * 4).Take(4).ToArray());

    int msbShift = BitConverter.ToUInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x0C).Take(4).ToArray());
    int msbMultiplier = BitConverter.ToUInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x04).Take(4).ToArray());
    uint value1 = (magicInteger >> msbShift) * msbMultiplier;

After executing these two instructions…

no$GBA showing two instructions highlighted which calculate the file offset from its magic integer

The value of R0 is now 0x2D5000. Wait a second – we just multiplied the top part of the magic integer (the one we saw consistently increasing!) by 0x800 (which every offset is divisible by). Could we have just calculated a file offset?

CrystalTile2 showing evt.bin at 0x2D5000; above it is a sea of zeros indicating it's the beginning of a file

We did indeed! We just found the routine for calculating the offset of a file given its index! But the magic integer is still loaded into LR, so we’re not done with it yet.

The next instruction stores our freshly-calculated offset in memory. The instruction after that loads the starting address of the evt.bin header again. After that, we have two instructions that are similar to what we saw before.

no$GBA showing the below two instructions highlighted

This time, we’re loading the values at offsets 0x10 and 0x08 into R1 and R0, respectively. Once again, we’re going to use these values to do some math on the magic integer.

  • AND R1, LR, R1 – this instruction is performing a bitwise-and between the contents of R1 (0x1FFFF) and the magic integer. This effectively gets the 17 least-significant bits of the magic integer (the complement to the 15 most-significant bits we calculated above).
  • MUL R0, R1, R0 – this instruction multiplies R1 by R0 (0x08) and stores the result in R0.

In C#:

public void sub_2033A70(int archiveNumber, int index, uint address1, uint address2, byte[] archiveBytes)
    int numFiles = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Take(4).ToArray());
    uint magicInteger = BitConverter.ToUInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x1C + index * 4).Take(4).ToArray());

    int msbShift = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x0C).Take(4).ToArray());
    int msbMultiplier = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x04).Take(4).ToArray());
    uint offset = (uint)((magicInteger >> msbShift) * msbMultiplier);

    int lsbBitwiseAnd = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x10).Take(4).ToArray());
    int lsbMultiplier = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x08).Take(4).ToArray());
    uint value2 = (uint)((magicInteger & lsbBitwiseAnd) * lsbMultiplier);

The end-result of this calculation is 0x5398.

The special length integer being calculated in no$GBA

And that’s the end of the function. So we’ve found the offset, but what’s that 0x5398 number? Let’s head back to the caller function in IDA and see if we can figure it out.

RAM:02033D04                 ADD     R2, SP, #0x30+var_28
RAM:02033D08                 ADD     R3, SP, #0x30+var_2C
RAM:02033D0C                 MOV     R0, R10
RAM:02033D10                 MOV     R1, R9
RAM:02033D14                 BL      arc_processMagicInteger
RAM:02033D18                 MOV     R0, #0x18
RAM:02033D1C                 MUL     R1, R10, R0
RAM:02033D20                 LDR     R0, =dword_20C19D0
RAM:02033D24                 LDR     R6, [SP,#0x30+var_2C]
RAM:02033D28                 LDR     R0, [R0,R1]
RAM:02033D2C                 LDR     R5, [R0,#4]
RAM:02033D30                 ADD     R0, R6, R5
RAM:02033D34                 MOV     R1, R5
RAM:02033D38                 SUB     R0, R0, #1
RAM:02033D3C                 BL      sub_201D310
RAM:02033D40                 MUL     R4, R5, R0
RAM:02033D44                 ADD     R0, R6, #0xFF
RAM:02033D48                 ADD     R1, R0, #0x300
RAM:02033D4C                 MOV     R0, R1,ASR#9
RAM:02033D50                 ADD     R0, R1, R0,LSR#22
RAM:02033D54                 MOV     R0, R0,ASR#10
RAM:02033D58                 STR     R0, [SP,#0x30+var_30]
RAM:02033D5C                 LDR     R1, =sArchiveFileNames
RAM:02033D60                 LDR     R0, =aReadSIdxDOfs0x ; "read:[%s],idx=%d,ofs=0x%x,sz=%dKB"
RAM:02033D64                 LDR     R1, [R1,R10,LSL#2]
RAM:02033D68                 LDR     R3, [SP,#0x30+var_28]
RAM:02033D6C                 MOV     R2, R9
RAM:02033D70                 BL      dbg_print20228DC

Note the debug string five lines from the bottom ("read:[%s],idx=%d,ofs=0x%x,sz=%dKB"). After the magic integer is processed, we have a debug string explicitly referencing the file index, offset, and size. However, 0x5398 is not the length of this file (we know its offset, so we can check its length manually; including padding, the file is 0x5800 bytes in length). So let’s have a look at the one subroutine call in between arc_processMagicInteger and that debug string: sub_201D310.

The Unhinged File Length Routine

Beware, this one’s a long one. Don’t worry about understanding all of it, it’s not really important for the purposes of this article. It’s an extremely obfuscated way of determining file length.

RAM:0201D310                 CMP     R1, #0
RAM:0201D314                 BXEQ    LR
RAM:0201D318                 CMP     R0, R1
RAM:0201D31C                 MOVCC   R1, R0
RAM:0201D320                 MOVCC   R0, #0
RAM:0201D324                 BXCC    LR
RAM:0201D328                 MOV     R2, #0x1C
RAM:0201D32C                 MOV     R3, R0,LSR#4
RAM:0201D330                 CMP     R1, R3,LSR#12
RAM:0201D334                 SUBLE   R2, R2, #0x10
RAM:0201D338                 MOVLE   R3, R3,LSR#16
RAM:0201D33C                 CMP     R1, R3,LSR#4
RAM:0201D340                 SUBLE   R2, R2, #8
RAM:0201D344                 MOVLE   R3, R3,LSR#8
RAM:0201D348                 CMP     R1, R3
RAM:0201D34C                 SUBLE   R2, R2, #4
RAM:0201D350                 MOVLE   R3, R3,LSR#4
RAM:0201D354                 MOV     R0, R0,LSL R2
RAM:0201D358                 RSB     R1, R1, #0
RAM:0201D35C                 ADDS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D360                 ADD     R2, R2, R2,LSL#1
RAM:0201D364                 ADD     PC, PC, R2,LSL#2
RAM:0201D368 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAM:0201D368                 NOP
RAM:0201D36C loc_201D36C
RAM:0201D36C                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D370                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D374                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D378                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D37C                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D380                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D384                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D388                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D38C                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D390                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D394                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D398                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D39C                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D3A0                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D3A4                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D3A8                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D3AC                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D3B0                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D3B4                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D3B8                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D3BC                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D3C0                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D3C4                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D3C8                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D3CC                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D3D0                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D3D4                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D3D8                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D3DC                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D3E0                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D3E4                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D3E8                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D3EC                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D3F0                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D3F4                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D3F8                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D3FC                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D400                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D404                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D408                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D40C                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D410                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D414                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D418                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D41C                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D420                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D424                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D428                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D42C                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D430                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D434                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D438                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D43C                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D440                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D444                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D448                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D44C                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D450                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D454                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D458                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D45C                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D460                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D464                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D468                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D46C                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D470                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D474                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D478                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D47C                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D480                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D484                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D488                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D48C                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D490                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D494                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D498                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D49C                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D4A0                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D4A4                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D4A8                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D4AC                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D4B0                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D4B4                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D4B8                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D4BC                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D4C0                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D4C4                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D4C8                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D4CC                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D4D0                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D4D4                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D4D8                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D4DC                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D4E0                 ADCS    R3, R1, R3,LSL#1
RAM:0201D4E4                 SUBCC   R3, R3, R1
RAM:0201D4E8                 ADCS    R0, R0, R0
RAM:0201D4EC                 MOV     R1, R3
RAM:0201D4F0                 BX      LR

Here it is in all its glory: what I have dubbed the “unhinged file length routine.” That 0x5398 number was indeed not the actual compressed length, but rather an encoded compressed length that was decoded by this routine. A quick FAQ:

  • Q: Why is there so much repetition in this routine?
    A: This is the result of a function of some compilers (including ARM compilers) called loop unrolling. Basically, there is a tradeoff made in favor of execution time over program space when the compiler can statically determine how many loops will occur at compile time.
  • Q: What does that mean?
    A: Don’t worry, it doesn’t really matter. Point is, that’s a loop, so we can treat it as a loop.
  • Q: I’m seeing a lot of ADCS and SUBCC instructions here. What’s up with those?
    A: ADCS is “add with carry, set flags.” Essentially, this means that we add two numbers and, if the previous operation resulted in a “carry,” we add one to the sum. We then set or clear the carry flag depending on whether that addition resulted in a carry. A “carry” here refers to “unsigned overflow” – when a 32-bit integer exceeds its maximum value and loops back around. SUBCC is “sub if carry clear.” This means we subtract two numbers if the previous operation did not result in a carry.
  • Q: Why would the devs do it this way?
    A: They want to fuck with me specifically.

Out of the Woods

Whew! That was a lot of assembly. We could keep going down through subroutines, but we’ve accomplished our main task now: we understand a lot about how Shade bin archives work. If we return to our original list of what we expected an archive might have:

  • We found the number of files (it’s the first four bytes of the archive).
  • While there don’t seem to be obviously-located filenames, we did find the mapping between a file’s index (which appears to be how it’s looked up), its offset, and its compressed length
  • The file data is definitely present and padded to be 0x800-byte aligned.

Nice! That’s great progress. Let’s see if we can write something to parse the archive now.

Writing Our Own Parser

Let’s start by thinking about how we want to represent our archive file in C#. There are four different archives, each with their own file type – to me, this screams like a time for a generic class. To begin, we’ll make a generic class to represent files in the archives.

public partial class FileInArchive
    public uint MagicInteger { get; set; }
    public int Index { get; set; }
    public int Offset { get; set; }
    public List<byte> Data { get; set; }
    public byte[] CompressedData { get; set; }
    public bool Edited { get; set; } = false;

    public FileInArchive()

Pretty basic stuff – we have properties for the magic integer, the index, the offset, and the compressed/uncompressed data. We also have an Edited property to indicate if we’ve modified the file or not. Finally, we have a blank constructor for now – we’ll let derived classes implement that.

Now to make the generic archive file:

public class ArchiveFile<T>
    where T : FileInArchive, new()
    public const int FirstMagicIntegerOffset = 0x20;

    public string FileName { get; set; } // e.g. evt.bin
    public int NumFiles { get; set; }
    public int MagicIntegerMsbMultiplier { get; set; }
    public int MagicIntegerLsbMultiplier { get; set; }
    public int MagicIntegerLsbAnd { get; set; }
    public int MagicIntegerMsbShift { get; set; }
    public List<uint> MagicIntegers { get; set; } = new();
    public List<T> Files { get; set; } = new();

All of this is stuff we’ve seen before. Now, to the constructor.

public ArchiveFile(byte[] archiveBytes)
    NumFiles = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Take(4).ToArray());

    MagicIntegerMsbMultiplier = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x04).Take(4).ToArray());
    MagicIntegerLsbMultiplier = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x08).Take(4).ToArray());

    MagicIntegerLsbAnd = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x10).Take(4).ToArray());
    MagicIntegerMsbShift = BitConverter.ToInt32(archiveBytes.Skip(0x0C).Take(4).ToArray());

    for (int i = FirstMagicIntegerOffset; i < (NumFiles * 4) + 0x20; i += 4)

Here, we’re just extracting the values we found from the header and then looping through and extracting all the magic integers.

Before we get to adding files to the archive, we have to convert that compressed length function. I could go through and explain how I converted from the assembly step-by-step, but that would be a lengthy and tedious explanation. So instead, here’s the final code:

public int GetFileLength(uint magicInteger)
    // absolutely unhinged routine
    int magicLengthInt = 0x7FF + (int)((magicInteger & (uint)MagicIntegerLsbAnd) * (uint)MagicIntegerLsbMultiplier);
    int standardLengthIncrement = 0x800;
    if (magicLengthInt < standardLengthIncrement)
        magicLengthInt = 0;
        int magicLengthIntLeftShift = 0x1C;
        uint salt = (uint)magicLengthInt >> 0x04;
        if (standardLengthIncrement <= salt >> 0x0C)
            magicLengthIntLeftShift -= 0x10;
            salt >>= 0x10;
        if (standardLengthIncrement <= salt >> 0x04)
            magicLengthIntLeftShift -= 0x08;
            salt >>= 0x08;
        if (standardLengthIncrement <= salt)
            magicLengthIntLeftShift -= 0x04;
            salt >>= 0x04;

        magicLengthInt = (int)((uint)magicLengthInt << magicLengthIntLeftShift);
        standardLengthIncrement = 0 - standardLengthIncrement;

        bool carryFlag = Helpers.AddWillCauseCarry(magicLengthInt, magicLengthInt);
        magicLengthInt *= 2;

        int pcIncrement = magicLengthIntLeftShift * 12;

        for (; pcIncrement <= 0x174; pcIncrement += 0x0C)
            // ADCS
            bool nextCarryFlag = Helpers.AddWillCauseCarry(standardLengthIncrement, (int)(salt << 1) + (carryFlag ? 1 : 0));
            salt = (uint)standardLengthIncrement + (salt << 1) + (uint)(carryFlag ? 1 : 0);
            carryFlag = nextCarryFlag;
            // SUBCC
            if (!carryFlag)
                salt -= (uint)standardLengthIncrement;
            // ADCS
            nextCarryFlag = Helpers.AddWillCauseCarry(magicLengthInt, magicLengthInt + (carryFlag ? 1 : 0));
            magicLengthInt = (magicLengthInt * 2) + (carryFlag ? 1 : 0);
            carryFlag = nextCarryFlag;

    return magicLengthInt * 0x800;

Now we have a function that can determine the compressed length of a file from its magic integer. But here’s the problem – when we save the file, we’ll have to reverse that and go from the compressed length back to the magic integer. How do we accomplish that?

Well, at some point, someone had a program that could do that, but I am not that person. What’s more, this function is way over my head and I have no idea how to even begin trying to reverse it. But it’s not the end of the line for us – remember that the 0x5398 value is only 17-bits in length. That means that the possible values of the encoded integer (i.e. the input to the unhinged file length routine) range from 0 to 0x1FFFF. That’s only 131,072 possible values which in the scope of things isn’t that many. So we just… calculate all the possible encoded values based on file length and add them to a dictionary. (Since these values are constant, we do this only once in the constructor.)

for (int i = 0; i <= MagicIntegerLsbAnd; i++)
    int length = GetFileLength((uint)i);
    if (!LengthToMagicIntegerMap.ContainsKey(length))
        LengthToMagicIntegerMap.Add(length, i);

Then when we want a new magic integer, we just do:

public uint GetNewMagicInteger(T file, int compressedLength)
    uint offsetComponent = (uint)(file.Offset / MagicIntegerMsbMultiplier) << MagicIntegerMsbShift;
    int newLength = (compressedLength + 0x7FF) & ~0x7FF; // round to nearest 0x800
    int newLengthComponent = LengthToMagicIntegerMap[newLength];

    return offsetComponent | (uint)newLengthComponent;

Finally, we’re ready to start parsing the files. All we have to do is loop through the magic integers, get the file offset and compressed length from each, and then use those to take the file data and initialize a FileInArchive derivative.

for (int i = 0; i < MagicIntegers.Count; i++)
    int offset = GetFileOffset(MagicIntegers[i]);
    int compressedLength = GetFileLength(MagicIntegers[i]);
    byte[] fileBytes = archiveBytes.Skip(offset).Take(compressedLength).ToArray();
    if (fileBytes.Length > 0)
        T file = new();
            file = FileManager<T>.FromCompressedData(fileBytes, offset); // Don’t worry about this function, all it’s doing is initializing the file.
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
            Console.WriteLine($"Failed to parse file at 0x{i:X8} due to index out of range exception (most likely during decompression)");
        file.Offset = offset;
        file.MagicInteger = MagicIntegers[i];
        file.Index = i + 1;
        file.Length = compressedLength;
        file.CompressedData = fileBytes.ToArray();

So we have a functional parser now. We can write up a quick GUI to show us how file loading will look and…

A GUI interface showing the extracted script from the game

Very nice looking! (The text on the right is a preview of what’s to come – I was working on parsing the event/script files at the same time as I was working on parsing the archives, but we won’t be covering event file reverse-engineering in this post.) So now we can open evt.bin and even edit the files inside it. There’s still one step left, though – we have to be able to save the bin archives once we’re done editing them.

Saving the Archive

The ideal way to save the archive is to reconstruct it from scratch, but because there’s data in the header we don’t understand fully we’ll have to settle for editing the header in place. So, we’ll start by just adding the whole header we took while parsing.

public byte[] GetBytes()
    List<byte> bytes = new();


Next, we’re going to loop through all the files and add them to the archive in order. If the file hasn’t been edited, then we’ll just add it directly to the archive. If the file has been edited, though, we’ll have to compress the edited data.

    for (int i = 0; i < Files.Count; i++)
        byte[] compressedBytes;
        if (!Files[i].Edited || Files[i].Data is null || Files[i].Data.Count == 0)
            compressedBytes = Files[i].CompressedData;
            compressedBytes = Helpers.CompressData(Files[i].GetBytes());

Here, we hit a snag – in some cases, the edited file is going to be longer than the original file, right? This will happen more often than we think since my implementation of the compression algorithm is noticeably less efficient than the implementation the developers used, so even files that stay the same size decompressed will end up longer on recompression. The solution to this problem is actually pretty simple, just a bit tedious: we move everything further down.

Why is moving things down tedious? Well it comes back to the magic integers – those contain offsets for each file. By moving the file down, we’re changing its offset, which means the magic integer will change as well. So we need to write code to do that.

        if (i < Files.Count - 1) // If we aren’t on the last file
            int pointerShift = 0; // Assume we’re not going to be shifting offsets at all
            while (bytes.Count % 0x10 != 0) // ensure our file is 16-byte aligned
            // If the current size of the archive we’ve constructed so far is greater than
            // the next file’s offset, that means we need to adjust the next file’s offset
            if (bytes.Count > Files[i + 1].Offset)
                // Calculate how much we need to shift the magic integer by
                pointerShift = ((bytes.Count - Files[i + 1].Offset) / MagicIntegerMsbMultiplier) + 1;
            if (pointerShift > 0)
                // Calculate the new magic integer factoring in pointer shift
                Files[i + 1].Offset = ((Files[i + 1].Offset / MagicIntegerMsbMultiplier) + pointerShift) * MagicIntegerMsbMultiplier;
                int magicIntegerOffset = FirstMagicIntegerOffset + (i + 1) * 4;
                uint newMagicInteger = GetNewMagicInteger(Files[i + 1], Files[i + 1].Length);
                Files[i + 1].MagicInteger = newMagicInteger;
                MagicIntegers[i + 1] = newMagicInteger;
                bytes.RemoveRange(magicIntegerOffset, 4);
                bytes.InsertRange(magicIntegerOffset, BitConverter.GetBytes(Files[i + 1].MagicInteger));
            // Add file padding
            while (bytes.Count < Files[i + 1].Offset)

Bam. We have working code that will shift the magic integers. So let’s test it – let’s modify a file and save the archive and see if we can change some text.

Haruhi Suzumiya in the opening lines saying Hello my friend! A lovely day!

I present to you the first text I ever edited into the game. 🥰

If you’re interested in seeing the end-result of the archive code, you can check out the code on GitHub!

What’s Next

We’ve now parsed and repacked the archive successfully. The next thing we’ll talk about is the first files I reverse-engineered: the event files, which contained the script for the game. But before that, I’ll be posting an addendum to these two posts which will contain answers to commonly-asked questions and a few historical notes on the actual process we underwent to get this all working. Thanks for reading and please look forward to it!

Jonko is the project lead and main ROM hacker for the Haroohie Translation Club.